Brian lucked out, because I can't find any pre-scanned pictures of him from our youth group days! I've known Brian since I was a teenager. I started going to South Rocky Mount Church of God with my close friend Amy around this time. I was heavily involved with the youth group. This is where I got to know Brian. I was pretty close to his whole family. His sister Karen was best friends with Amanda (Amy's sister). I always thought it was cool that they both had best friends that were named Karen! I was very close to Kristi. I miss that relationship a lot! Brian and I kept in touch while we were in college. I remember in one email he wrote about how we (as in us and the rest of our close group) just had that type of relationship that would always be close. Those weren't the exact words, but it was something like that. Those type of friendships are long lasting and you don't have to talk all the time to feel like you're close. There's so many good things to say about Brian. All the girls thought a lot of Brian and just knew that one day he'd make a good husband to somebody.
That one day came along, when I lived in Colorado, a few years ago! He married Audrey. Audrey is someone with a very sweet and soft voice, but she has this very fun and silly side too! I am so grateful that I have been able to get to know her better. We have also formed a friendship and I just love being around her. It's good to have those friends that you can talk to and you know they understand some of what you've been through. She is a very special person in my life.
I wanted to share a little bit about their life story. There are so many more in between details to be shared, but this is an extremely short version of what they've been dealing with recently. A little over a year ago they had their first son, Zachary. They took him home from the hospital and days later he passed away. A few months ago baby number two came along. His name is Asher. I offered them a free photo session before he was born. That day I intended on spending a couple of hours at their house, but I believe it may have turned into 4 or more! I had such a fun time hanging out with them and taking pictures of Asher and their family. I am so glad I can share this with them! I loved meeting Asher and I can't wait for my next visit!