Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Mini Diana Experiment

I bought myself the Mini Diana for a Birthday gift to myself. I thought it would be a lot of fun to break out a roll of film again. It's sad to say that hasn't happen probably since 2006. I received my first roll back and I was a little disappointed. THEY WERE SO GREEN! Some of the pictures didn't turn out at all. I went through them and picked out a few that I thought were fun and I thought I would share them! Thanks to photoshop they are not as green any more! Enjoy!

Chris & Francis

We discovered a fun place to ride our bikes at Carolina beach. This is my favorite shot of them all!

 Francis isn't really a fan of all dogs...especially ones that like to pounce on her!

This one looks a little creepy!

Me & our baby girl :)

I have a billion blogs I could write, but lately time doesn't permit me to do so! Maybe one day I'll have fun catching up on some fun life events that have happened so far this year! This will have to do for now!