Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Change: Christmas Traditions II

Since we didn't get to go home for Christmas this year we decided just to make it a relaxing weekend. Originally it was just going to be the two of us, but it happened to work out for our friend Brian to come visit us. We've officially spent Thanksgiving and Christmas together now, so I guess that makes him officially apart of our family!

On Friday, Chris & I decided to take a nice long bike ride. One thing that I love about this city is that there are plenty of places to ride a bike. We decided to take our bikes on the city trail. Chris thinks we ended up riding around 10 miles that morning. We had a blast! I can't express how much fun we have had riding our bikes together! Every time I pass Chris on my bike I can't help but start singing the tune that plays in "The Wizard of Oz" when the wicked which is coming flying by on her bike!!! I'm so glad we decided to get each other bikes for Christmas!

We may look dorky, but we're having FUN!

It almost looks more like a Fall day than a Winter day. 

We opened our gifts to each other when we got back from our bike ride. 

Brian came later that evening. We enjoyed pizza and watched a movie together. Later that night we went to Church.

Sunday, Chris and I were planning on going to Church, but I guess we needed the sleep. We didn't wake up until 9:30. We basically watched movies all day and prepared a nice dinner that evening. Monday was still pretty low key, but we did leave the house and went to Fort Fisher for a little bit before Brian left. This was the first time I've been to the beach in a while. I actually love the beach this time of year, because it's so quiet and peaceful!

Overall I'd say we had a wonderful Christmas! It was spent with so many people that we love!

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